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Is a Whiplash Cervical Collar Necessary?

Written By The Golab Center on March 1, 2022

When You Should and Shouldn't Use a Whiplash Collar

Auto accidents are commonplace. We see accident injury victims often in our practice here in Stone Oak, and we love helping them. The accident process is complex but we know the system inside out and can help patients recover appropriately and also assist them in finding legal advice if needed. One of the questions we get asked frequently by our accident patients is "is a whiplash cervical collar necessary?" We'll attempt to answer this here.

Is a Whiplash Cervical Collar Necessary stone oak accident chiropractor

Paramedics Will Likely Give a Cervical Collar at the Accident Scene

If paramedics detect a neck injury following a motor vehicle accident, the patient will receive a cervical collar to immobilize the neck for transportation to the emergency room. Once they arrive, another exam will take place. In this situation, a cervical collar is necessary to prevent further injury. Once diagnosed, some patients are given a different type of collar. This is called a soft cervical collar.

The Soft Cervical Collar Impact Studied

The soft cervical collar allows for minimal movement whilst supporting the neck and head. It is said to relieve cervical tissues from stress while the neck injury heals.

Two studies were done in 2021. The first study included over 2000 patients. Each patient went to the emergency room within 48 hours of a motor vehicle collision. The study found that 85% of patients who are given a soft cervical collar were four times more likely to return to the emergency room within three months of the initial visit. Looking at this research, we can see that soft cervical collar use could be a risk factor for a return visit to the emergency room.

The other study included 5000 patients, and looked at different methods for treating whiplash patients. These 5000 patients all used spinal manipulation techniques which led to a reduction in soft cervical collar use, along with less x-rays and orthopedic referrals. The research found that the spinal manipulation approach was more effective for detecting grade a whiplash cases.

Whiplash Cervical Collar Not Necessary

These studies find that immobilization with a soft cervical collar after diagnosis of a neck injury may slow the recovery process. Instead, patients should carry out their normal activities. As long as pain is not involved, patients may go about their everyday lives. Patients should also utilize manual therapies which can be done at a chiropractor‘s office.

Come in and see us at Dr Golab's Chiropractic & Massage, Stone Oak accident chiropractor. We are very well equipped and have many years experience with dealing with accident injury victims. We will examine your injury and apply appropriate treatments to help you heal the right way. Moreover, we will likely assign specific stretches and exercises to help improve the healing process.

Over 30% of untreated whiplash injuries sadly develop into long term problems and pain. Treatments applied as soon as possible to the patient dramatically decreases this possibility and ensures better patient outcomes along with better outcomes in the wallet as well.

Walk in and see us. We can help you.

Posted In: Chiropractic