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5 Reasons to Have a Massage Before an Adjustment

Written By The Golab Center on July 7, 2023

Why Massage Before Chiropractic Adjustment Helps

You've probably heard about the benefits of chiropractic adjustments for maintaining spinal health and wellness. But did you know that having a massage before your adjustment can significantly enhance these benefits?

At Dr Golab's Chiropractic & Massage, we of course offer both treatment options. There are numerous reasons why getting a massage before an adjustment and in this article, we’re going to highlight five key reasons why a massage before a chiropractic adjustment is beneficial. From muscle relaxation and tension release to an increased level of comfort during the adjustment, we’ll delve into why this combo might just be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

You might be wondering why a massage before a chiropractic adjustment can make a difference. Well, it's all about preparing your body for the adjustment.

A massage can help to relax your muscles, make the adjustment easier, boost your circulation, reduce pain and discomfort, and promote overall wellness and recovery.

So, let's explore these reasons in detail, so you can make the most of your chiropractic care.

5 Reasons to Have a Massage Before an Adjustment

Enhancing Muscle Relaxation

When you're all knotted up, a massage before your chiropractic adjustment can really help loosen those tight muscles, letting you sink into a state of soothing relaxation. The skilled hands of a massage therapist work wonders on your body, kneading out the tension and stiffness that has made its home in your muscles.

This relaxation isn't just a luxury, it's a preparatory step that enhances the effectiveness of the upcoming chiropractic adjustment. By calming your muscles and enhancing their flexibility, a massage helps set the stage for a smoother and more effective adjustment.

The benefits of this relaxation extend beyond the physical, though. When your muscles are relaxed, your mind often follows suit, helping to reduce the anxiety or nervousness you might feel about your chiropractic appointment. This mental calmness also allows you to be more receptive to the adjustment process.

So, by getting a massage beforehand, you're not just taking care of your body, you're also setting up your mind for a more successful chiropractic experience.

Facilitating Easier Adjustments

Easing into a spinal alignment can be a smoother process if your muscles are already relaxed and loosened up. When you have a massage before your chiropractic adjustment, your muscles soften, making it easier for your chiropractor to realign your spine.

The adjustment process gets simplified as your body is more receptive to the changes. Your body's flexibility can be improved, and the tension that might hinder the adjustment process is reduced.

It's not just the physical ease you'll notice, but it also helps mentally prepare you for the adjustment. You'll find yourself more relaxed and less apprehensive about the chiropractic session. This feeling of relaxation can lead to a more effective adjustment session as you're not resisting or tensing up.

In essence, a massage can make your chiropractic adjustment more comfortable, more effective, and ultimately lead to better results.

Boosting Circulation and Blood Flow

Imagine the incredible surge of vitality and energy coursing through your body as improved circulation and blood flow are kick-started, thanks to the wonderful combination of a soothing massage followed by a skillful spinal adjustment.

The process begins when your massage therapist works on your muscles, applying pressure that stimulates blood flow in areas that may have been restricted or stagnant. This enhanced blood flow doesn't just bring a sense of rejuvenation, it's also a crucial step in preparing your body for the subsequent chiropractic adjustment.

The increased circulation delivers much-needed oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and tissues, helping them to relax, heal, and function optimally.

The benefits don't stop there. By boosting your circulation, the massage actually sets the stage for your chiropractor to work more effectively. When your blood is flowing freely, spinal adjustments can be performed with less effort and greater precision.

The adjustments, in turn, further improve circulation and promote the release of toxins from your body. It's like a positive feedback loop where every step contributes to your overall health and well-being.

So, remember, a massage isn't just a relaxing treat before your chiropractor's visit – it's a powerful tool that can enhance the healing impact of your adjustment.

Reducing Pain and Discomfort

There's no denying the relief you'll feel as tension melts away from your muscles, reducing pain and discomfort significantly.

Having a massage before your chiropractic adjustment can help to alleviate any initial pain, making the adjustment process much smoother and more comfortable. The massage works to relax your muscles and soft tissues, relieving the stress and pressure that could be causing discomfort. This means that by the time you get to your chiropractor, your body is already in a more relaxed and receptive state, ready for the adjustment.

Furthermore, a massage can also help to manage chronic pain, especially in the joints and the back. It works by improving blood circulation, which ensures that oxygen and nutrients reach all parts of your body, promoting healing and reducing pain.

Remember, your body is a connected system, and pain in one area can affect other areas as well. A massage can help to address these issues, making your chiropractic adjustment more effective and less uncomfortable.

So, don't hesitate to book a massage before your next chiropractic appointment. It could be the key to a more comfortable and fruitful session.

Promoting Overall Wellness and Recovery

On top of pain relief, let's not forget the overall wellness and recovery benefits you'll reap from this dynamic duo.

A massage before your chiropractic adjustment not only relaxes your muscles, but it also increases your blood circulation. This improved circulation delivers more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and organs, which aids in faster recovery and promotes overall wellness.

With your body in a more receptive state, your chiropractor can then perform adjustments more effectively, allowing your body to accept these changes and heal more quickly.

Moreover, this powerful combination can help reduce stress and anxiety. Regular massage therapy stimulates the production of endorphins, the body's natural 'feel good' chemicals, which can create a state of relaxation and happiness.

Following this up with a chiropractic adjustment further helps to align your body, reducing those pressure points that can cause discomfort and contribute to stress. So, while you're getting relief from physical pain, you're also taking care of your mental well-being.

It's a win-win situation for your overall health.


So, you see, having a massage before your chiropractic adjustment isn't just a luxury, it's a necessity.

It not only enhances muscle relaxation and facilitates easier adjustments, but also boosts your circulation and reduces discomfort.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to promote your overall wellness and speed up your recovery.

Make sure you're taking full advantage of this powerful combination. After all, it's your health and well-being that's on the line.

Schedule an appointment for a massage today and then experience the power of a chiropractic adjustment after.


Posted In: Chiropractic Massage