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How Both Chiropractic Treatment & Massage Combined Helps Back Pain

Written By The Golab Center on March 14, 2023

It's no secret that back pain can be a real drag on our lives. For those of us who suffer from chronic back pain, we know how debilitating it can be to even the simplest of activities. Fortunately, there are some treatments available that can help provide relief from this discomfort. One such treatment is a combination of chiropractic care and massage therapy. In this article, we'll explore how these two treatments work together to alleviate back pain and provide long-term relief.

Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to health care that focuses on treating the entire body by restoring proper alignment and function to the spine, joints, and muscles. By using gentle manipulation techniques, chiropractors are able to restore balance in the body's musculoskeletal system and reduce pain caused by misalignment or injury. Massage therapy has also been proven effective in treating back pain as it helps relax tense muscles and improve circulation throughout the body.

When these two treatments are combined, they offer many benefits for those suffering from chronic back pain. Not only do they provide immediate relief, but they also help promote overall health and well-being in the long run. Read on to find out more about how chiropractic care and massage therapy work together to help ease your back pain!


Definition Of Chiropractic Care & Massage Therapy

Chiropractic care is a holistic healthcare practice that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. It involves manual adjustments of the spine and other joints to restore proper alignment and function. The goal is to reduce pain, improve mobility, and promote overall well-being. Chiropractic treatment can also include soft tissue manipulation, therapeutic exercises, lifestyle advice, and nutritional counselling.

Massage therapy is a form of bodywork that uses various techniques to manipulate the muscles, tissues, tendons and ligaments of the body. It helps to increase blood circulation, reduce stress levels, improve range of motion in joints, relax muscle spasms, reduce pain levels and release endorphins which act as natural painkillers. Massage therapy has many benefits for both physical and mental health. With its combination of manual techniques, movement therapies and relaxation techniques it can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions. Both chiropractic care and massage therapy have their own unique benefits when used individually; however combining them has additional advantages in treating back pain.

Benefits Of Combining The Two Treatments

Combining chiropractic treatment and massage offers many benefits for back pain. These include:

  1. Pain Relief: The combination of chiropractic treatment and massage helps reduce pain by improving physical mobility, reducing inflammation and providing stress relief.
  2. Improved Posture: Both treatments help to improve posture by gently manipulating the spine in order to restore proper alignment. This can help relieve tension in the muscles and joints, leading to improved posture over time.
  3. Reduced Inflammation: Massage helps reduce inflammation by increasing circulation, which allows for better oxygenation of the tissues in the area being treated. Chiropractic care also helps reduce inflammation by restoring proper alignment of the spine and joints, which can also lead to decreased inflammation over time.
  4. Stress Relief: Massage is a great way to relax tense muscles and relieve stress, while chiropractic treatment helps to realign the spine and joints, which can also provide relief from stress-related pain symptoms.

The combination of these two treatments has been shown to be effective at relieving back pain, improving physical mobility, improving posture and reducing inflammation due to stress. The next section will discuss types of back pain that may benefit from a combination of chiropractic treatment & massage.

Types Of Back Pain That May Benefit From A Combination Of Chiropractic Treatment & Massage

When it comes to treating back pain, combining chiropractic treatment and massage therapy offers a wide range of benefits. Lower back pain and sciatica pain are two of the most common types of back pain that can benefit from this combination. Acute pain caused by muscle spasms or minor injuries may respond positively to both therapies as well. Chronic pain that has been present for longer periods of time may require more treatment sessions to get relief, but can still benefit from both approaches. Massage therapy helps reduce muscular pain and tension while chiropractic adjustments help restore proper joint alignment and movement.

The combination of chiropractic treatment and massage therapy can also provide relief from neck tension, headaches, shoulder blade tension and general muscle tightness in the arms and legs caused by postural imbalances. With this powerful combination, you can expect long-term relief from your back pain with improved mobility and reduced discomfort. Overall, it's a great way to treat many types of back pain with lasting results. As such, it is important to discuss your individual health needs with your healthcare provider before embarking on any type of treatment plan. By discussing your symptoms in detail, you will be able to determine if this combined approach is right for you and what to expect during a treatment session with both techniques.



What To Expect During A Treatment Session With Both Techniques

During a treatment session that combines both chiropractic and massage techniques, the patient can expect to receive a thorough assessment from the practitioner. The practitioner will check for any muscle imbalances or misalignments in the spine and neck area, as well as assess any postural issues that may be contributing to the pain. The duration of the treatment session will vary depending on the individual’s needs and goals.

At the end of each session, practitioners often provide advice and feedback based on their observations during the course of treatment. This includes suggestions on how to maintain good posture between visits, preventive care such as stretching and exercises they can do at home, along with any other lifestyle recommendations that could potentially help manage their pain better over time. These tips combined with regular visits can help ensure long-term success in alleviating back pain and improving overall wellbeing. Moving forward into the next section we will discuss risks and contraindications associated with these types of treatments.

Different Techniques Used In Chiropractic Treatment & Massage Therapy

Chiropractic treatment and massage therapy are two different techniques used to treat back pain. Chiropractic care is focused on realigning the spine through a series of spinal adjustments. This helps to reduce tension and pressure in the joints, muscles and ligaments, allowing them to relax and heal. Deep tissue massage is another technique used in chiropractic care that involves applying firm pressure onto specific areas of the body to relieve muscle tension and improve mobility. Trigger point therapy is also commonly used in chiropractic treatment, which involves applying pressure to certain points on the body that are causing pain or discomfort.

Massage therapy, on the other hand, uses a variety of techniques such as myofascial release, manual manipulation and Swedish massage to help reduce muscle tension and restore flexibility. Myofascial release applies gentle but sustained pressure onto affected areas of the body while manual manipulation is applied with more vigor to loosen up tight muscles. Swedish massage uses light strokes along with kneading movements over larger areas of the body to help stimulate circulation and relaxation. Both chiropractic treatment and massage therapy can be combined together for an effective approach in treating back pain.

Long-Term Effects Of Combining Both Treatments

When chiropractic treatment and massage therapy are combined, the long-term effects of relieving back pain can be substantial. Studies have shown that combining these two forms of treatment can result in more effective back pain management than relying on just one form of treatment. Results from chiropractic treatments have been found to increase significantly when massage is used in combination. Massage therapy can also help to reduce the discomfort associated with chiropractic adjustments, making it easier for patients to receive the full range of benefits from their treatments.

The combination of chiropractic and massage therapy has been proven to achieve better outcomes than either type of treatment used alone. This is especially true when it comes to providing long-term relief from chronic back pain. Furthermore, this combination has been found to be particularly beneficial for those who suffer from musculoskeletal problems because it helps to improve mobility and flexibility while providing relief from pain. By using both treatments together, patients can enjoy long-term benefit from their treatments without having to rely solely on medications or surgery for relief.

By combining these two types of treatment, patients can maximize the benefits they experience and ensure that their back pain is managed over the long term. Furthermore, this type of approach allows them to take an active role in managing their own health, as well as ensuring that they get the best possible results from their chosen course of treatment.


In conclusion, combining chiropractic treatment and massage therapy can help alleviate back pain. This is a great option for those who don't want to rely on medications or surgery.

At Dr Golab's Chiropractic & Massage here in Stone Oak, we dedicate ourselves to helping our patients out of pain. Through our combination of chiropractic care, massage and also cryotherapy, we have mutliple treatment options available. Call us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Chiropractic Massage