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Save Money with Chiropractic Care In Stone Oak

Written By The Golab Center on October 24, 2022

Save Money with Chiropractic Care In Stone Oak


How Chiropractic Treatments Could Actually Save You Money

Men and women both have a chance of having an episode of neck pain every year. People ages 30 to 59 have the highest risk of a neck pain episode. Research suggests that indirect costs associated with neck pain like missing work usually exceed direct healthcare expenses. Treatment to improve pain and function permanently is very important so that a person does not have to worry about missing work or calling out sick any more than they already have. 

A 2022 study concluded that manual therapy for neck pain has much better outcomes than care by a physician. While there is not much research comparing multimodal manual therapies to physician treatment plans there is one study that suggests the above information.

The study involved researchers taking working aged adults with neck pain and dividing them between two groups. Group one received six treatments spread over six weeks. In this treatment plan, they receive spinal manipulation, mobilization, massage, and stretching. Group 2 received visitations with a physician two times 3 weeks apart and received instructions on how to manage pain.

Those who completed the study were asked to fill out a questionnaire about a year later. This questionnaire was used to determine the quality of life that is health related, which includes physical functioning, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, and mental health. The questionnaire also asked adults what other methods of care they used during those six weeks, and finally if they had to call out sick from work during the study.

The research found that participants in the manual therapy group reported much better improvements and health related quality of life. The overall cost of treatment was also 49% lower than group 2 period group 1 individuals were much less likely to require intensive and expensive care. From this research, we can see that manual therapy achieves better outcomes at much lower costs

Chiropractors use these multi modal therapies and more to help a patient achieve a pain-free life. Many of our patients have reported not having to call out of work as much and being able to be active and happy again.

If you were experiencing any type of pain, we are here to help. We not only offer adjustments to help with pain, but also to help prevent pain in the first place. We accept all kinds of insurances (give us a call to see what yours covers) and have a walk in friendly policy. 

Posted In: Chiropractic