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Sinus Headache Chiropractic Treatment Stone Oak

Written By The Golab Center on December 7, 2022

Sinus headache chiropractic treatment Dr Golab's Chiropractic Stone Oak TX

What Chiropractic Care Can do for Sinus Headaches

I am sure you’ve heard of the term sinus. We all have them! What you may not have known is that sinuses can become inflamed and lead to medical issues. Today, we are going to be talking about all things sinuses. 

So what is a sinus? The sinuses are the cavities in the skull which rest behind your face. Sinuses help us to humidify the air that we breathe and have even been proven to enhance our voices. Patients with sinus pain have comaplained of a sinus headache, which can sometimes be wrong. We have found out through some studies that oftentimes patients who complain of this form of headache are not experiencing an issue with their sinuses. Let’s look more in depth at that study. 

A Look at Some Numbers of Sinus Headaches

A study in 2019 was done that included 174 patients seeking care for what they complained was a sinus headache. After patient examinations, doctors concluded that only 13 percent actually met the diagnosis for a headache associated with rhinitus or sinusitis. The other percentages are as follows:

  • Migraine: 53%
  • Tension Headache: 31%
  • Not Categorizied: 3%

Causes of Sinus Headaches

Now, let’s look at some other causes of sinus headaches.

Rhinitis occurs when the lining of the sinuses have become inflamed. This can lead to congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itching, nosebleeds, recurring ear infections, snoring, mouth breathing, fatigue, and headache. Rhinitis can be caused by a viral infection, but chronic rhinitis can be caused by much more.

Some of these include reactions to allergens like pollen, dust mites, mold, cockroach feces, animal dander, fumes, odors, temperature, hormonal changes, mediciations, environmental changes, smoke, and sensitivity to food and spices. Chornic rhinitus can be prevented by avoiding allergens, eating a healthy diet, and taking vitamins, supplements, or medication, like antihistamines, nose sprays, decongestants, asthma medication, and allergy treatments.

Next comes sinusitis, which happens when fluid builds up in the sinuses. Fluid in the sinuses is a breeding ground for bacteria and infection. Symptoms of sinisitus are: runny/stuffy nose, facial pain/pressure, post-nasal drop, sore throat, cough, bad breath, and headache.

The CDC says that a patient with sinusits can usually self manage their symptoms. This comes by using a warm compress, nasal spray, and humidifier for the nose, but use caution. If symptoms last more than 10 days, the CDC says to see a doctor for possible infection. 

A study done with 31 individuals who self diagnosed with a sinus headache and 30 with no history of headache found that the sinus headache group patients were more likely to experience abnormal cervical spine function. 

So is it a Sinus Headache or Not?

Through this, we can see that sinus headaches are commonly self misdiagnosed. Patients who think they may have a sinus headache should always be checked for other forms of headache, and a cervical spine evaluation. Doctors of chiropractic, like us, are highly trained to do the above. By treating musculoskeletal disorders of the neck, headache intensity may be reduced and even fully eliminated. 

At our Stone Oak practice, we frequently see patients who complain of sinus type headaches. If you come to us, we can properly examin you, listen to what you are experiencing and then help to find the cause of your headaches and then treat them accordingly.

Through chiropractic care and massage therapy, we feel very confident of being able to help you. Contact us today and schedule a time to come in. We accept many insurances and would love to help you.

Posted In: Chiropractic